Friday, 28 April 2017


Here it is!  The first release off our upcoming 6-song EP.  This track is called We Are One.  If it sounds a bit familiar, it's because it's a reworking of a track off our first album.  We were jamming it one day when something occurred to us - the song had a great hook, but we knew it could be improved upon.  We set about revamping it, and it's better than ever.  Check it out, listen, share, and buy it at for only a buck.  Watch for a video for it hopefully this summer.

1 comment:

  1. Montedo é o ministro da economia brasileiro e os nossos carros já estão com o IPVA SP pagos e o Licenciamento anual em dia. E o nosso Coluna do Flamengo ? hggggg
